Toast's digital storefront suite is a comprehensive platform designed to empower restaurants with fully customizable websites, online ordering, and customer engagement tools. It enables restaurants to create customized digital storefronts that seamlessly integrate with their existing operations and other Toast products.
My role:
Design a menu formatting experience in the website editor that integrates with a customer's Toast menu data that reflects their brand.
My team:
1 Product manager, 1 product designer
The challenge:
Toast customers want a menu page on their website that does not serve as an online ordering page, but a reflection of their brand. Currently, when onboarding, a customer's options are limited to the Online Ordering page menu layout, so they have two almost identical menu pages. This can be confusing to guests, and does not do a good job of setting the tone or vibe of the restaurant for guests.
Using the menu data we have for our restaurants, we will provide a way to allow customers to tell their story through their menu page.

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