Toast's digital storefront suite is a comprehensive platform designed to empower restaurants with fully customizable websites, online ordering, and customer engagement tools. It enables restaurants to create customized digital storefronts that seamlessly integrate with their existing operations and other Toast products.
My role:
Redesign onboarding to support the Digital Storefront product suite (Websites, Online Ordering, Branded App)
My team:
1 Product managers, 1 engineer, 1 product designer, 1 UX researcher
The challenge:
Initially, the concept of a website editor was designed to cater to customers interested in building websites. Across our range of products, our guest-facing experiences should maintain consistent branding. Our aim is to offer customers a seamlessly integrated platform that empowers them to deliver top-notch guest experiences, aligning with their brand identity.
As our product suite grew, so did the importance of self-service onboarding for customers by allowing them to select which products they wanted to activate for the suite.
The impact of having a fragmented user experience in onboarding caused less activations, higher churn, and more care tickets.​​​​​​​
The current onboarding flow demonstrated in the gif below does not show actual renders and provides no context or connection between the customer's branding and their website. They can select a menu page layout for their online ordering page in this flow, and over time we learned that customers see their Online Ordering page as part of their website, and not as a different product.
We aimed to streamline the onboarding process so that it gives customers confidence in what they are setting up. We start with a checklist of what the customer can expect in this flow.
By moving branding configurations to the beginning of the onboarding process, customers can see how these configurations cascade across their products in the preview, as well as a mobile and desktop view.
Next, they can select what they want to set up. Some customer would only like an Online Ordering page, some would just like a website with additional pages, it really depended on their restaurant model and if they used 3rd Party Ordering services.
If a customer wanted to set up a website, they can select a homepage theme, and since we have most of the basic branding assets, they'd see a preview of what their logo and brand color look like in the preview.
For customers who also wanted to configure their Online Ordering page, they could do that as well here. Normally, Online Ordering pages were a "set it and forget it"
Next steps:
This flow is currently being implemented & we're measuring success by shortened time to activation, and self-service resulting in less care tickets.
As our product suite grows, we will also include a self-service onboarding for the branded app (currently in beta) in this flow in the future.

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