I’m Sylvia, a storyteller and designer living beneath the vast desert skies of Joshua Tree, CA. My journey has taken me from the vibrant tropical landscapes of Miami and Florida, where I grew up surrounded by the energy of my Ecuadorian heritage, to the creative pulse of New York and the sprawling vibrancy of Los Angeles. Each of these places has shaped me, leaving its mark on my creative spirit and inspiring the way I see and tell stories today.
I draw inspiration from the natural world, art, photography, sweeping landscapes, architecture, cuisine and all types of design. Whether exploring the serene beauty of the desert or the intricate details of an urban masterpiece, I’m always chasing the spark that connects thoughtful design with seamless, meaningful experiences. This passion also drives my role as a design mentor, where I help others uncover their potential and navigate their creative journeys.
For me, design is more than just a profession—it’s a framework through which I understand the world, a bridge that fosters connection, and a means of sharing experiences that bring us closer together.